A Notion formula is a powerful tool that enhances productivity by automating calculations, formatting data, and structuring information efficiently. In 2025, mastering Notion formulas is essential for professionals, students, and businesses looking to optimize their workflow. This blog post will guide you through 20 of the most advanced Notion formulas, explaining how to apply them and providing sample tables for each.
Date & Time Calculations
1. Calculate Business Days Between Two Dates
Notion Formula:
abs(dateBetween(end_date, start_date, "days")) - floor(abs(dateBetween(end_date, start_date, "days")) / 7) * 2
Applying Process:
- Create two date properties:
Start Date
andEnd Date
. - Add a Notion formula property and insert the formula above.
2. Dynamic Age Calculation from Birthdate
Notion Formula:
dateBetween(now(), birthdate, "years")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedBirthdate
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
3. Next Due Date Calculation
Notion Formula:
if(dateBetween(next_due, now(), "days") < 0, dateAdd(next_due, 1, "months"), next_due)
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedNext Due
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
4. Days Until Next Birthday
Notion Formula:
dateBetween(dateAdd(birthdate, dateBetween(now(), birthdate, "years") + 1, "years"), now(), "days")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedBirthdate
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
5. Check If a Date is in the Future
Notion Formula:
if(dateBetween(date, now(), "days") > 0, "Upcoming", "Past")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedDate
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
Task & Productivity Tracking
6. Dynamic Task Priority Based on Due Date
Notion Formula:
if(dateBetween(due_date, now(), "days") < 3, "High", "Low")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedDue Date
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
7. Check If Task is Overdue
Notion Formula:
if(dateBetween(due_date, now(), "days") < 0, "Overdue", "On Time")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedDue Date
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
8. Calculate Work Hours Between Two Times
Notion Formula:
dateBetween(end_time, start_time, "minutes") / 60
Applying Process:
- Use two
properties (Start Time
,End Time
). - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
Data Formatting & Manipulation
9. Concatenate Multiple Properties
Notion Formula:
prop("First Name") + " " + prop("Last Name")
Applying Process:
- Use
properties namedFirst Name
andLast Name
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
10. Extract Month from Date
Notion Formula:
formatDate(date, "MMMM")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedDate
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
Financial Calculations
14. Round a Number to Two Decimals
Notion Formula:
round(prop("Amount") * 100) / 100
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedAmount
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
15. Calculate a Discounted Price
Notion Formula:
prop("Price") * (1 - prop("Discount") / 100)
Applying Process:
- Use
properties namedPrice
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
16. Convert a Boolean Checkbox to Text
Notion Formula:
if(prop("Completed"), "Done", "Pending")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedCompleted
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
17. Calculate Days Since a Task Was Completed
Notion Formula:
dateBetween(now(), completed_date, "days")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedCompleted Date
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
18. Format a Date as “Day, Month Date, Year”
Notion Formula:
formatDate(date, "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedDate
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
19. Find the Weekday of a Date
Notion Formula:
formatDate(date, "dddd")
Applying Process:
- Use a
property namedDate
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
20. Calculate a Loan Payment Using Simple Interest
Notion Formula:
(prop("Principal") * prop("Rate") * prop("Time")) / 100
Applying Process:
- Use
properties forPrincipal
, andTime
. - Add a Notion formula property with the formula above.
Mastering Notion formulas can significantly improve your workflow by automating tasks, formatting data, and ensuring accuracy. Try implementing these Notion formulas into your workspace and see how they enhance your productivity!